A Graphic View of the Coming Changes

Graphic ephemeris

We have some major astrological shifts coming up in the space of the next two years. Rather than just print out a transit listing which would show all the important dates, I want to use a graphic ephemeris to show all the changes in an economical and easy to scan form. The opening image shows the graph of planetary movements of 2024 through 2026, and we will read the graph here.

Explaining the graph

A graphic ephemeris lets you take a large amount of data and visually compress it into a very small space. In this post I am going to concentrate on showing how to read the graphic ephemeris, and show important points to notice for the upcoming period.

This graph is on a Harmonic 4 setting, meaning the graph moves top-to-bottom and cycles back to the top every 90 degrees, which is one-fourth of the 360 degree circle. I put in horizontal lines drawn where signs change. The top third of the graph shows Cardinal signs, the center third Fixed signs, and the bottom third Mutable signs.

Forward motion in the signs is downward, and time moves left to right. The downward slanting lines are moving direct. A line that loops back and moves upward is a planet stationing and turning retrograde, until it hits another loop, stations and starts moving direct again.

Since this graph is based on the 90 degree repeating pattern, when you see two curved lines cross it indicates that the planets are making a hard aspect to each other – either a conjunction, an opposition or a square.

What you can see here is that all five of the largest planets, from Jupiter on out to Pluto, all change signs within the space of about a year and a half. That is a pretty amazing event, and it is a harbinger of some pretty significant adjustments in our world during this time.

I want to look at the planet movements in isolation to make it easier to read.


graph of Pluto

Pluto is the wavy indigo purple line here, and the horizontal black line at the number 30 on the left is the change from cardinal to fixed signs, The bright red slanting lines are Mars, which moves much more quickly, which is why his lines have a harder slant.

Pluto is the first little Beastie of the group to change signs. In January of 2024 Pluto first crossed from Capricorn into Aquarius. There is a brief period this fall, from September 1, that Pluto briefly retrogrades back into Capricorn, until Nov 10 when Pluto moves into Aquarius for the second time and stays there from then on – you can see the wavy purple line gradually moseying on downwards.


Uranus graph

On this section of the graph the wavy blue line is Uranus, and the horizontal black line at 60 shows the sign change from fixed to mutable signs. You will notice that Uranus first enters Gemini in July 2025, stays there until November 7 when it retrogrades back to Taurus, and moves into Gemini for good in late April 2026.

Saturn and Neptune

Now for the stars of our show – the two planets Saturn and Neptune, which are tap-dancing on the Aries axis as they change signs together from Pisces to Aries.

On the full graph the border between mutable and cardinal signs is at the top and bottom, so in this illustration I spliced the two together so that you can see the continuous curve.

Saturn Neptune graph

The black line is Saturn and the sea-blue line is Neptune. Neptune approached the Aries axis first, and in July 2024 came within five minutes of Aries, stationed and slowly retrograded back. That is where we are as I write this (August 22). If you were wondering why this summer has seemed particularly weird and surreal, I suspect that Neptune stationing right on the Aries axis is part of that. He is stationed there like a showman wizard who is almost-but-not-quite showing you what is going on with the man behind the curtain.

Notice that by mid-summer 2025 that Neptune has crossed into Aries and is joined by Saturn, and the two planets almost but not quite converge – on July 4, 2025 Neptune stations at 2 Aries 10, and 8 days later Saturn stations at 1 Aries 56 – just 14 minutes apart.

Saturn and Neptune slowly separate and both briefly cross back into Pisces. The two finally become conjunct in early 2026. Notice the timing here: Jan 26 Neptune enters Aries, Feb 13 Saturn enters Aries, and just 7 days later they are conjunct at zero Aries 45, almost exactly on the Aries axis, just a month before the Spring 2026 Ingress.

As we noted, Uranus moves into Gemini for good in April 2026, finishing up the dance of the outer planets changing signs.

The Whole Show

Summary graphic ephemeris with eclipses

In this final labeled graph we put the whole show together, with one addition. The white circles are Lunar eclipses, and the black circles are Solar eclipses. There are two eclipses that are particularly noteworthy which I have labeled on the graph.

On September 21, 2025 – almost exactly on the Libra Ingress – we have a Solar eclipse at 29 Virgo 05, almost exactly opposite Saturn and Neptune at the Pisces/Aries border, at at time the two planets are very close to each other, and nearly conjunct the point of the Libra Ingress.

On Feb 17, 2026, just a few days before the final Saturn/Neptune conjunction, we have a Solar Eclipse at 28 Aquarius 49, very close to square Uranus at the Taurus/Gemini border.

Five planets changing signs in a short space of time, and two solar eclipses in tight hard aspect at two of those sign changes involving three of the planets.

Now that we have examined the different parts, I think you can see how this graph shows you all of these sign changes in a very economical format. Since time moves from left to right on the graph, you can particularly see that the sign changes of Uranus, Saturn and Neptune are quite close together.

In addition, if you look in the upper third of the graph in that time period, you can see a wavy purple line which is Jupiter, which enters Cancer in midsummer 2025, very near to when Saturn and Neptune cross the Aries border. Jupiter stays in Cancer, where it is very strong and exalted, for around a year, until July 2026 when the sign changes are complete. Jupiter changes sign around once a year so that is not unusual, but it is definitely worth noting that here it goes from Gemini, where it is weak and in detriment, to Cancer where it is very strong and exalted. This is the opposite of the situation in 2020 where Jupiter was in his fall in Capricorn while both Saturn and Mars were very strong in that sign.

In my next post I want to look at a few of the Ingress charts for this period that show these changes from a different perspective.

What’s it all mean? No-one knows the details yet, but we’ll start talking about possible interpretations in the upcoming posts.

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