The Shape of Ingresses to Come

Aries 2024

This post is part of an experiment that I am doing where I am looking at the astrology of the entire world. I am working with charts of the Cardinal Ingresses where I leave off any local Ascendant or Midheaven, and place the wheel so that the Sun is right at the top of the chart. So, at Spring Equinox Aries is at the top, at the Summer Solstice Cancer is at the top, and so on. That visually highlights the four cardinal ingress points as the axes of the world chart. It also shows the positions of all the planets and the nodes, which are the same everywhere in the world.

I am concentrating on planets aligned with the four cardinal axes, and with major planetary aspects, especially to those axes. I am not doing anything with house meanings since they are measured off an Ascendant and Midheaven. I am confident that the cardinal points do act like world angles, but I am not confident in assigning them to particular points – e.g., is the Sun on an Ingress to be assigned to the first house cusp, or the tenth, or some other – or, does it vary by season? That is why I am not confident in assigning house meanings – I think it takes a specific location to do that.

I want to look at some of the Cardinal Ingresses in the series from April 2024 through June 2026, and I am highlighting major shifts here. I am experimenting with viewing these as a series, leading up to some major changes that surface in mid-2025 and culminate and clarify in 2026. I sketched out the series of planets all changing signs in a short space of time in my previous post on A Graphic View of the Coming Changes.

My comments and interpretation here are very tentative, and I am trying to leave them open-ended, but I will share my own conjectures as to where things are going.

I can confidently say only a few things:

– I do not expect apocalypse and collapse.

– I do not expect utopia and final breakthrough to a Grand New Age.

– I do not expect any sort of tech-driven Singularity to happen – if anything, I expect that utopian fantasy to fall apart in the next few years.

– I do expect things to get messy.

– I do expect the political balance of power in the world to be shifting significantly in the next few years, and I think the signs of that are already visible now if you know where to look.

– I expect that some widespread falsehoods and deliberate deceptions in government and media will be falling apart in the next few years. I also expect that by 2026 the current covid, pandemic and vaccine hysteria is going to look a lot different in retrospect than it does now.

Aries 2024

See the image at the start of this post. Note the following points in this chart.

– Neptune is getting very close to the Aries axis – we are going to see that as part of this entire series of charts all the way through to mid 2026

– Jupiter and Uranus are in conjunction in Taurus – and this is in a semisquare (1/8) aspect to the Aries point and to Neptune

– Pluto has already changed signs, although he will briefly shift back into Capricorn September through November. of this year.

Overall, this is a year of uncertainty, of confusion, of disorientation, of the sense that things are out of joint and don’t make sense. This year is also marked by tons and tons of ominous warnings – constant threats of world war III and nuclear war finally breaking out, and constant threats of yet another pandemic with promised miracle vaccines and the possible threat of enforced lockdowns, though I doubt that will go anywhere. We are being told there may be a new disease like m-pox or bird flu, or the long-promised even more deadly mutated strain of covid – we’ve had one ominous threat after the other, and the threats mutate even more quickly than the viruses.

Cancer 2024

Cancer 2024

This is the most recent ingress in effect as I write this.

Noteworthy here is that Neptune is stationed just a few minutes from the Aries access. Neptune made it right to the very edge of moving to Aries, 5 minutes of arc away, then just stopped and sat there – and stayed there pretty much stationary, then slowly retrograded. If you count the slow approach to Aries, Neptune stayed less than one degree away, in the 29+ degree of Pisces, for four solid months.

Note that Saturn is now closing in on the Aries axis and on Neptune, and both Saturn and Neptune are stationed and about to go retrograde.

This has been a summer of threats, of hysteria, of dire warnings that don’t materialize and then morph into the next dire warning – in other words, business as usual at least since the Covid era began. I think the cloud of Neptune is the key to this whole series of charts, and that cloud is precisely what makes it so hard to sort out what is really happening. The level of falsehood, confusion and deliberate deception is very high.

Libra 2024

Libra 2024

Note the very pretty kite shape that happens only at the Libra ingress in this series, and that we will see again next year – here the 3 planets Neptune, Pluto and Uranus are all in smooth aspect – Uranus trine Pluto both sextile Neptune, and all 3 about to change signs, all 3 trine the Sun at the Libra point. I will mention that again at the end of this essay.

I noted that Pluto briefly retrogrades back into Capricorn before finally moving into Aquarius for good – from September 3 to November 20. My hunch is that if there is another pandemic scare, it will fall during this period, but just will not catch on in the same way as covid hysteria did in 2020, and will fade away by the end of the year. This may mark the period where the influence of Pluto seriously fades.

That final Pluto retrograde period just happens to cover the period of the USA Presidential election – if nothing else I think this conclusively proves that the Gods have a sense of humor.

Because of this smooth aspect pattern, and because the outer planets are just prior to changing signs, I do not expect any significant changes this calendar year. Planets very late in signs are often unstable and weakened as they near their shift. We are on the verge of big shifts, and it is not yet clear what they will be. We may have threats, or foreshadowings, or symptoms of further hysterias and instability, but no real sense of resolution or direction – and we need to remember there is a large element of deception in the falsehood and hysteria now, while almost everything important and substantive is not being mentioned at all. A lot of what it taking center spotlight in media now is hype and distraction.

I do think this is a good time to stand back and avoid getting caught up in any new hysterias or panics that surface this fall. I would consider being especially cautious about getting caught up with any new mandated or highly touted medical measures, or civil liberties restriction measures, that could be part of how the hysteria could be exploited.

Be calm, stand back and pause.

As I mentioned, I realize we have a presidential election coming up this November but I do not think it will settle anything conclusively one way or the other, nor do I expect the results to be clear-cut or to be widely accepted. I do not expect a consensus there, but I do expect a lot of loss of trust, blaming and counter-blaming regardless of how it “officially” works out.

Capricorn 2024

Capricorn 2024

This chart looks restless and inconclusive to me. The strongest aspect pattern is a mutable T-Square including Moon, Jupiter and Saturn, and possibly a loose Grand Cross if you include Mercury in Sag. I expect tension, dissatisfaction and restlessness with no real resolution.

As a side astrology note, I suspect that part of the reason that mutable crosses like this do not have the explosive charge of cardinal and fixed crosses is because the mutable signs do not have the charge of the cardinal angles, or the strong stubborn quality of the mid-fixed signs which are in hard harmonic-8 aspects to the cardinal angles. If you accept that the cardinal axes are world angles then the mutable signs are generally places of waning power and instability approaching the next transition.

This may be a continuation of the restless and anxious sort of something-has-to-give-soon feeling that seems to be in the air. We are on the verge of big changes but they are still not-quite-yet.

Aries 2025

Aries 2025

More restlessness here, but I think this is where some changes really start to shake out. Note that we have that large cluster up near the Aries point, including Saturn which is getting ready to join the action with Neptune at the Aries point.

The aspect patterns are interesting, with trines and sextiles aimed up at the cluster of points in Aries, and a close 3/8 aspect between Moon and Mars.

I expect this to feel something like that charged atmosphere you get when you know you’re about to get hit with a doozy of a thunderstorm any minute now. In fact I think there is some of that heightened level of anxiety and foreboding in the air even now as I write this in late August 2024.

I think Spring and Summer 2025 is when we start to get a clearer sense of the directions that changes are going. We see three shifting planets in the next seasonal Ingress.

Cancer 2025

Cancer 2025

Note that Jupiter has just changed signs into Cancer right around the Summer Solstice and right on the Cardinal axis, and is in a tight square to Saturn and Neptune.

On right side of this chart we have Saturn and Neptune are both in early Aries, and near the point where they both station within a few minutes of each other.

By summer 2025 I expect to see some serious signs of change start to emerge out of the confusion. Jupiter is at its strongest exalted in Cancer, and Saturn is at its weakest in fall in Aries, and Neptune has gone from very strong to being weak and dried-up in the Sun. I take that combination to be a very positive sign.

Traditionally Saturn represents older entrenched powers, and Jupiter represents newer forces for change. I think a lot of astrologers agree on that, but just how you interpret which side is which largely depends on your political leanings and where you get your news.

We’ll see how it shakes out.

Libra 2025

Libra 2025

Here we have that very pretty kite formation again, only this time Pluto, Uranus and Neptune have all moved into their new signs while Saturn is in very late Pisces just about to shift – all of this taking place in that smooth aspect formation right on the Aries/Libra axis.

This smooth aspect pattern is why I do not expect whatever changes do happen next year to be catastrophic. This doesn’t mean that we are headed to Utopia either, but I think it is reasonable to at least hope that things next year will move in a direction that is clearer, saner and more realistic. That also means that I think some of the worst and most misleading misdirection in the main media will be losing credibility and falling apart here.

But, we still have some turbulent waters ahead to navigate.

Capricorn 2025

Capricorn 2025

This one is a bit ominous. Note that Uranus, Saturn and Neptune have both retrograded back into their previous signs, and also note that Mars is exalted in Capricorn very near the Sun. I would expect to see more threats of war escalation here, though we will see how long that will persist. This could be a throw-back or set-back period, and given the volatility that will likely be dangerous.

If there is a major shift in balance of power, in individual countries and worldwide, this Winter of 2025/26 could mark one last gasp of the fading old powers desperately trying to hang on to their control… but losing.

Things start to look a lot clearer astrologically by Spring 2026.

Aries 2026

Aries 2026

As we noted, Uranus is briefly back in Taurus, and Pluto is securely in Aquarius and is staying there

The focus is Saturn and Neptune together on the Aries axis, just one month after their conjunction.

This should likely mark the wrapping up of the major shift with the planets – not that there will not be any changes after this, but I strongly suspect that we should have a pretty good sense of how the world has changed and the direction we are going by then.

Cancer 2026

Cancer 2026

This is the last I am going to cover in the series.

Note that all of the outer planets have concluded their sign shift at this point. Also note the predominance of trine and sextile aspects overall in this chart.

If I am right that the next few years mark an important period of change, then this chart should mark the wrapping-up of that period. The smooth trine and sextile aspects after the sign shifts gives me hope.

To summarize – here is a diagram of the aspect pattern of the four outermost planets for much of this period.

Outer Planet Aspects

Pluto trine Uranus, and both Uranus and Pluto sextile to Saturn and Neptune. Not only are the four outermost planets all changing signs around the same time, but they are also in a harmonious aspect pattern to each other. Wow. How often does that happen?

In addition, note the following:

– Saturn is moving from Pisces, where it is weak and peregrine, to Aries where it is in Fall and as weak as it gets – you might call it discredited, literally fallen from power – traditionally being in fall has connotations of loss of esteem and power, of disgrace and sometimes of imprisonment – the fall of the once-mighty from power.

– Neptune is moving from Pisces, where it is very strong, to Aries where it is weak – you might call it exposed in the light, or dis-illusioned.

– Uranus is moving from earth sign Taurus, where it is quite destructive and explosive, to air sign Gemini where it has freer action and can work on a more mental level.

– Pluto is moving from dark heavy earth Capricorn to air sign Aquarius. Here the interpretation is less clear-cut, but my sense is that it loses some of its explosive hidden power and will likely fade in significance – remember, at that point it will have been twenty years since Pluto was downgraded to dwarf planet in 2006, and there is a lag time for the astrology world to catch up with the science. (Amusingly it will likely be the “modern” astrologers who will be the slowest to catch up with the science here.)

Combine that with the fact that benefic Jupiter will be in Cancer, the sign of its exaltation and very strong, from June 2025 through to the end of June 2026, and I think we have very good astrological grounds to think that the upcoming major change period of 2025 and 2026 will likely be predominantly positive. Given the period of darkness, decay, disorder and corruption we are currently in I do not expect a miracle transition to light and perfection, but I think we can look for significant movement in a positive direction.

If I’m right, part of that means that those forces moving in a destructive direction now will lose power, and those moving in a more constructive direction will likely gain power. That is part of why I don’t expect utopia – there will be a certain amount of karmic paying-the-piper and reaping the consequences of destructive actions, and that could get ugly. Part of shining light on darkness and decay will likely include waking up to the magnitude of the mess we have to clean up.

Overall, for the first time in several years I think and feel I have a reasonable hope things will move in a good direction.


What are the big issues, and what can we do about it as we approach this change period?

I think the most important focus is on Saturn and Neptune crossing the Aries point together. I want to focus on those two in my next post, where I tie that transition in with the main theme of a video I did a few years back on the big Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn moving into air signs.

With Saturn and Neptune being the focus of attention I think the big battles being fought are for control of the media and control of our minds – and this is a very, very important time to wake up to that.

More on that next time.

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