Sorcerer State – Law of Altruism and Selflessness

Sun over water

This is the final essay in a series on looking at our world as a Sorcerer State, where people are manipulated and controlled primarily by media persuasion rather than brute force. I am arguing that this persuasion scheme violates some of the most basic and important rules of persuasion and of mental magic, and hence is doomed to recoil back on itself and fail by self-destructing.

Here I want to concentrate on what I call the Law of Altruism and Selflessness.

This gets close to the core of a problem in our society, and it is a problem with how we view reality.

The underlying rules are:

– Ultimately we are all one and are connected in consciousness – what benefits one, benefits all; what harms one harms all.

– Thus the only safe way to use mind influence is to use it selflessly, for the good of all. To violate that rule is dangerous to oneself and to others – it causes harm and eventually backfires.


The particular form that mental and persuasive magic takes in our culture is heavily influenced by a movement known as New Thought. It has a lot of different forms, and is probably best known as the different forms of positive thinking. It is far more pervasive in our culture than most people realize.

I was raised as a member of a New Thought church called Unity, which is part of that movement, so I have studied quite a bit about it as it is part of my own spiritual roots. There are some very crucial truths that are emphasized in the earliest forms of the movement that have been lost sight of, and that we need to bring back.

If you go back and study the work and writings of the pioneers of New Thought, there is a very strong and pervasive streak of altruism and selflessness in them. It operates from the premise that we are all One in Mind, and that our thoughts affect the reality we experience. Thus it only makes sense that, to work with that Oneness, that our motives should be selfless and working for the good of all. To work for selfish motives, or pitting people against each other, is self-contradictory and backfires since it denies the oneness that the whole system is based on.

In some later developments of New Thought that sense of altruism and selfishness was lost, and there are distinctly selfish variants of New Thought that became very popular in the US, especially among educated and moneyed classes – you might have heard of Napoleon Hill and Think and Grow Rich, or the work of Earl Nightingale. A few decades down the road you have the influence of Norman Vincent Peale and The Power of Positive Thinking.

At its best this self-centered variety of New Thought can help to give people self-confidence – but at its worst it can be used to further selfish greed and a sense of entitlement.

In another variant of New Thought, there is a different kind of assumption that external reality is in some ways a blank slate that can be shaped to whatever we want. I talked about that in the essay on truthfulness and persuasion. This is the “You create your own reality” variant of New Thought.

There is another strange contradictory variant, where there are those in media and government who believe they Create their Own Reality that they can then impose on others by persuasion. It doesn’t take much consideration to realize that is internally contradictory.

What we see in our modern culture is a kind of highly developed and sophisticated mental selfishness, with no regard for the larger system that we are all part of – both the community of other people, the larger ecosystem of earth, and the yet larger mental and spiritual ecosystem we are all part of.

When you start messing with the sort of mass mental persuasion or sorcery that our culture deals in you are working at a level of reality where you need to take into account that our minds are connected and can influence each other.

The laws of any sort of mental influence need to include that effect – we can no longer afford to act as if we are separate.

The setting up of the kinds of opposite polarities we see in politics divides people against each other, and violates that rule of our connectedness. Selfishness is self-defeating since we are part of each other.

There is another consequence of this law that is commonly violated today – using negative magic, or directing negative spells at a person, is ultimately self-defeating since it violates the law of our connectedness – and negative influence always and everywhere backfires on the person practicing it.

Look at how much of the corporate media is devoted to attacks on one group or another, and how much influence now is attack influence based on stirring up feelings of rage, hatred and contempt towards ones enemies. It seems to be particularly bad in our current period – I am writing these worlds in November in the period just around the US election – and the viciousness and dishonesty of the media attacks – I won’t call it breath taking but choking.

It destroys the people practicing it, and it tears down the bonds that keep our society together – not to mention how this sort of reckless exploitive disregard also tears down our connections to the larger ecology.

It sets family against family, brother against sister and children against parents, political parties against each other, states against each other – all the way up to the highest level of countries lined up and destroying each other.

So what do we do? What is the way forward?

We need to acknowledge our interconnectedness, that we are all one in mind and spirit – that we are responsible for our thoughts and words, how they affect our world and each other.

We need to recognize the importance of compassion and altruistic motives in how we live in the world, and that any sort of divisive selfishness destroys the people who practice it.

We need to recognize that when we attack others we are attacking something within ourselves and it divides and destroys us, externally and internally. When we when we attack others or attack evil forces outside of ourselves we are ultimately attacking ourselves.

Making the darkness outside you the enemy is dangerous; the real darkness is within and needs to be accepted and dealt with.

So, we need altruism; tolerance; getting past demonizing others and learning to work with others; and waking up from the us/them blame game.

In a period where we are badly divided, and so much of what we have been told about the world is ending up being manipulative lies to further divide us, there is a deep need for dialog and cooperation with those we disagree with. We can no longer afford name-calling and demonizing. If we continue on the path of polarizing division we are on we will destroy ourselves.

To wrap up I want to briefly recap the persuasion rules that I have been talking about. I think when you look at them together you see that they are all of a piece.

The Law of Equilibrium and Balance – push too far in one direction and you will get an inevitable recoil and backlash.

The Law of Truth and Honesty – words have the power of the truth behind them; use words that are deliberately false and misleading and you hollow out your words and rob them of power. Persuasion in relationship is based on a foundation of trust and honesty. Violate that trust and your persuasion loses all power and conviction, and recoils back on yourself.

The Law of Altruism and Selflessness – we really are far more interconnected than we realize, and our thoughts and minds influence each other. Whatever is good for one must be good for the whole or it is short-sighted and falls apart. To cultivate hostility and division where groups are pitted against each other is ultimately self-defeating and collapses in on itself.


I think we are at a point where the not-particularly-masterful masterminds of the Sorcerer State are in the process of melting down and self-destructing. The next few years could get messy as we become aware of problem areas that have been covered over with a veneer of persuasion fiction. To get through, we will need balance; we will need truth and honesty; we will need altruism and gracious mutual good-will.

I think we are headed in the right direction now, and the more of us work with these principles in mind, the better we will do.

We have some serious work to do.

Image of sun over water by jrm – photo from Pixabay.

Image from the Wizard of Oz of the Wicked Witch melting by William Wallace Denslow, illustrator, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.


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