Astrology and the Catholic Church Calendar

I am writing this on August 5th, which in the Catholic church calendar is the day before the Feast of the Transfiguration. This seems like a good day to write about the connections between the symbolism of the astrological year and the Church’s calendar of feast days.

During the two years that I took off from practicing astrology I became very involved with the worship cycle of the Catholic church. Now that I am back to astrology, integrating its symbolism in with the symbolism and calendar of the Church is of great interest to me. I have both the astrology calendar and the Church calendar wired into my system by now, and the links between them are important.

I am currently working with the symbolism of the World Chart and the solar cycle of the year, with the cardinal ingresses and the cross points at 15 degrees of the fixed signs. There should be connections between that eight point cycle and the Church calendar, along with Christmas and Easter – and sure enough, there are. Continue reading “Astrology and the Catholic Church Calendar”