Our Father in the Sky

The Feast of the Transfiguration was yesterday (August 6), and while I was at Mass it gave me plenty of time to think about the Solar symbolism of the day.

I mentioned in my previous post, Astrology and the Catholic Church Calendar, that this Feast coincides with the Sun being at 15 degrees Leo, right in Midsummer at the center of the sign the Sun rules. The revealing of the shining glory of the Sun of God on a Solar holiday is too obvious a connection to ignore.

While I was reciting the Lord’s Prayer with that in mind, it occurred to me that I should just pay attention to what that prayer says in ordinary English. Continue reading “Our Father in the Sky”

World Angles in the Personal Chart

In this essay I am picking up on some concepts that I first began exploring in this piece I wrote back in 2021 – World Angles and the World Chart.

The key idea is that the four cardinal ingresses mark the axis points of the world, that are defined by the relation between the Earth and Sun. The are the four critical points on the Ecliptic, the circle marking the Sun’s apparent path of rotation around the earth.

The cardinal ingresses, especially the Aries Ingress at the Spring Equinox, are traditionally used as points for Mundane astrology.

What I want to explore is not just the Ingresses as four points in time, but as four points in space, power points connecting us to the world. Continue reading “World Angles in the Personal Chart”

Cycles and the Shape of Decline

Looking back over the writing I have done here on my astrology blog over the last decade or so, I want to pick up on one particular pair of essays that I think are worth revisiting and pursuing further.

This essay is meant to put a large framework around my astrological thinking. It also ties in with the work I am currently working on with mundane astrology and the world chart.

This is important to me, because I have learned that how a person does astrology, especially predictive mundane astrology, is strongly influenced by their worldview and their political perspective. In this essay I am laying out the large-scale frame that I use to make sense of the world. Continue reading “Cycles and the Shape of Decline”

The Bloodied Head

The first part of this essay is a very brief piece I did yesterday, and I am leaving it as originally posted. I decided today that it may be a bit too brief and cryptic, so I am adding a second part where I expand on the symbolism.

Part One

I am writing this Tuesday morning July 16, 2024, one day after the Mars/Uranus conjunction perfected, and three days after the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

I noticed a curious piece of astrology symbolism at work here.

Not surprisingly, the past few days I have seen a couple of repostings of the meme of the comedienne holding up the bloody severed head of Trump. It looks really, really tacky and bad just now, in the light of this weekend’s events.

Do you know what that bloody severed head is an image of? Continue reading “The Bloodied Head”

Aligning with the Cycles of Astrology

Some years back I worked on a book project on the Western spiritual basis of our astrology. It made more sense to me to look to our own traditions rather than following the fashion that goes back to the influence of Theosophy in the early 1900’s, and look to the East for spiritual guidance. Much as I love Eastern philosophy, and as much as I have personally been influenced by Theosophy, especially Blavatsky, it still seems to me to be more appropriate to look to our Western tradition for our Western spiritual roots.

I took my book project as far as a finished first draft and then had to just let it sit, as it felt incomplete, fragmentary. I think I understand why now.

I was searching for a system of ideas, a philosophical system, for the base, and I have now think that is inadequate. The philosophical underpinning is very important, but by itself it lacks roots. It isn’t deep enough.

A spiritual underpinning needs to be rooted in spiritual practice and realization. It needs to be alive. Continue reading “Aligning with the Cycles of Astrology”

Saturn Uranus 2 – Live Not By Lies

Live Not By Lies

This is a follow-up to my previous post, Saturn and Uranus: Bumping Into Reality. In that post I talked about how our emphasis on Uranus being a Positive Future and Saturn being a Negative Past has some serious blind spots, so I rephrased the Saturn-Uranus relationship in other ways to emphasize important things we need to acknowledge about Saturn.

Here I want to switch the focus, and talk about some important aspects of Uranus we need to pay attention to. This one is much harder to talk about than the previous post, because here I am touching on meanings that have been over-used and are now cultural cliches that mean almost the opposite of what the words are actually saying.

Continue reading “Saturn Uranus 2 – Live Not By Lies”

Saturn and Uranus: Bumping Into Reality

Saturn and Uranus: Bumping Into Reality

If you follow astrology at all you are likely aware of the Saturn square Uranus configuration that has set the tone for so much of our astrology climate this year – the first exact hit was February, the second in June, and the final exact hit is late this coming December, just a few days after the Capricorn Ingress. I want to talk about the usual way that these two planets are framed, and the limitations and blinds spots of that framing. After that, I want to take this same configuration and rephrase it in several different ways, to give us different perspectives on what is going on. Continue reading “Saturn and Uranus: Bumping Into Reality”

The Great Wake-Up Call

The Great Wake-Up Call

Late last year and earlier this year I saw more than a few astrologers talking about the wonderful coming days of a Great Awakening, or a Great Reset – always painted in golden tones as if we were on the verge of a Higher Consciousness and an era of true Peace, Equality and Love.

“This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius… “

After spending time examining the Ingress charts of the quarters of this year, and watching the news roll by – I think we might indeed be on the verge of a Great Awakening of a different kind.

It’s the kind of awakening you get when you wake up one morning and find out your spouse has been having an ongoing affair for years with your best friend. There is the horrible shock, the sinking feeling in your gut and sense of vertigo while your sense of security collapses, and that horrible realization –

“I’ve been lied to. The people I have depended on the most have been lying to me and have betrayed me.”

Something like that – except this time it’s not a spouse or a friend that betrayed and lied to us. That’s our coming Great Awakening – what I’m calling, The Great Wake-Up Call. It’s not pretty.

The Libra Ingress 2021

The observations I am making here are coming out of examining the Ingress chart for Libra this year. This is part of a larger project I am doing of reading ingress charts in a way that that applies to the whole world – leaving out the local Ascendant and Midheaven, and using the cardinal points, 0 degrees of the four cardinal signs, as being like axes or angles for the entire world. Continue reading “The Great Wake-Up Call”

Midpoints and Traditional Astrology

This post is an experiment.

Some things are more easily explained in a video, by showing and talking about them, then by a blog post. I want to try combining the two here.

I just posted a video that I titled, Midpoints and Traditional Astrology.

Here I want to briefly summarize the main points I make in the video. Continue reading “Midpoints and Traditional Astrology”

World Angles and the World Chart

The World Angles and the World Chart

In this post I want to share a train of thought I’m pursuing regarding the importance of the cardinal points as acting like world angles for a world chart. These are based on notes that I made as I was thinking this through. I will keep that order since I want to share my thought process here.

I want to make the case that what I am presenting here is not something new or modern, but goes all the way back to some of the earliest roots of our astrology.

This whole argument is based on two premises or points; everything else follows logically from these. Continue reading “World Angles and the World Chart”