Chart Delineation Outline

This outline is a summary of a traditional astrology way of approaching and delineating a chart, to figure out the most significant areas.

First – Overall Natal Chart Delineation

First – determine Sect – diurnal or nocturnal
– identify the in sect benefic and malefic – other things being equal, the benefic should be especially helpful, and the malefic should express in ways that protect or benefit the native.
– identify the out of sect benefic and malefic – the out of sect malefic is especially significant, and is likely a major source of difficulties and bad fortune. The out of sect benefic will not be as helpful as if it were in sect.

Look at the sect light, and the three trigon lords, where they are, and what kind of condition they are in. This was traditionally used to evaluate the overall good or bad fortune of the native’s life.

Go through the planets one at a time, and evaluate the following items to determine how strong they are, and what quality of action each will have, and their scope of action in the chart

– in sect or out
– benefic or malefic
– rulerships – in or out of domicile/exaltation/triplicity/bound/face
– check the planet’s domicile ruler and its condition
– direct or retrograde
– house placement – angular/succedent/cadent
– other planets in the same sign
– any mutual receptions
– what houses does the planet rule, and does it ‘see’ its houses by whole sign aspect
– planets in the stakes to it – oppositions or squares – especially malefics
– is it making a heliacal rising or phasis within 7 days either way of the native’s birth (that is, does it reach 15 degrees from the sun, moving away from the sun and hence out from under the sun’s rays.) Or, is it making a heliacal setting – 15 degrees away from sun and moving towards it.  Rising is considered positive, setting negative.

Check the angles – are they cardinal, fixed or mutable? Check the planets for the same. A predominance of a single quality will reflect an overall pattern for the native.

Look at the Ascendant, and the Lord of the ascendant – location, condition. Also consider the lord of the ascendant lord.


There are some other specific features in the chart that are sometimes looked at. These include:

– looking at the Part of Fortune, and its Lord, for overall fortune and direction.

– evaluating Temperament.

– looking at Mercury and the Moon, their condition and relation, for overall character, and how the native’s mind works.


At this point you should have a pretty good grasp of the strengths and weaknesses of the chart.


Second – Delineation of a specific area of life

For any subject, consider

  • any natural ruler
  • the house for the subject
  • planets in the house, condition as above
  • lord of the house, its condition as above
  • any Lot associated with that subject – its house, ruler, condition


Third – Prediction In Time

Finally, the crowning part of traditional astrology seems to be using timing techniques to determine when a particular subject or area of life will be active.

These techniques include

  • Profections – mainly annual, but also for smaller time increments
  • Solar Revolutions
  • Distribution through the bounds – this is a specific form of primary direction that takes a key point, most often the Ascendant, and directs it forward in time, watching which bounds or terms in moves through and what aspects it makes
  • primary directions, usually of key points (ASC, Sun, Moon, Fortuna)
  • transits, but only within the context provided by the above techniques.

The main timing techniques are aimed at finding the Time Lords, which are the planet(s) activated and in charge of specific subjects, at specific periods in a person’s life.