The Great Wake-Up Call


The Great Wake-Up Call

Late last year and earlier this year I saw more than a few astrologers talking about the wonderful coming days of a Great Awakening, or a Great Reset – always painted in golden tones as if we were on the verge of a Higher Consciousness and an era of true Peace, Equality and Love.

“This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius… “

After spending time examining the Ingress charts of the quarters of this year, and watching the news roll by – I think we might indeed be on the verge of a Great Awakening of a different kind.

It’s the kind of awakening you get when you wake up one morning and find out your spouse has been having an ongoing affair for years with your best friend. There is the horrible shock, the sinking feeling in your gut and sense of vertigo while your sense of security collapses, and that horrible realization –

“I’ve been lied to. The people I have depended on the most have been lying to me and have betrayed me.”

Something like that – except this time it’s not a spouse or a friend that betrayed and lied to us. That’s our coming Great Awakening – what I’m calling, The Great Wake-Up Call. It’s not pretty.

The Libra Ingress 2021

The observations I am making here are coming out of examining the Ingress chart for Libra this year. This is part of a larger project I am doing of reading ingress charts in a way that that applies to the whole world – leaving out the local Ascendant and Midheaven, and using the cardinal points, 0 degrees of the four cardinal signs, as being like axes or angles for the entire world.

I used a 90 degree dial for the analysis I did, looking at midpoint structures, at aspect configurations, and what Uranian astrology calls planetary pictures, which are a modern equivalent of the Lots.

I did not use any house meanings in my analysis, as there is no accepted standard as to which sign to put on the Ascendant. I am experimenting with possible house systems, but am not confident enough with the results to use them here.

I recorded a video showing the astrology rationale for the interpretation I am doing here. This is the link to my video on the Libra Ingress of 2021. I put this here so that you can come to your own conclusions.

I want to emphasize that what I am writing about here is tentative. Nothing I say here is definitive or authoritative, nor am I blessed with a direct hotline to the Planning Office of the Cosmic Powers That Be. I am making my best conjectures based on the data I have.

The issues I am talking about here are not just about this coming autumn and winter; these are all parts of long term processes. I do get the sense that this fall will be a period of high stress and instability in which we may see significant events along these lines.

I think you can argue that these topics are already implicit in the Capricorn Ingress chart. It seems particularly appropriate to start the yearly series with Capricorn this year, since that is the chart in which we have the Jupiter/Saturn grand conjunction, and both Jupiter and Saturn together feature strongly in the Libra chart and in the themes of this entire year.

All of these developments have been going on for awhile; it’s just that they are now becoming a lot more obvious to an increasing number of people. The latter part of the year does not look like a time of total collapse or the end of the world, but it does look like a time of increasing instability and destabilizing shocks – I think of them as being like cracks or fractures in the structure of our world, a structure where the surface appearance no longer matches the underlying reality.

One final note before I get into the interpretive notes: These are based on the logic of astrology, but obviously none of us does astrology in a vacuum. We shape our astrology according to our beliefs, our values, the books we read, the news sources we follow, the podcasts we listen to, the friends we hang out with, and so on. There is no way around that. This represents my best reading of what is going on in the world now using all of who I am, and all of the news and information sources that I use.

Erosion of Trust In Authority

This is one of the main ongoing themes in the astrology – coercion using media, coercion using falsehoods and fabricated data, and also an erosion of trush in the media and authorities doing the coercion. In our modern world this is a form of control that increasingly seems to be using marketing and media coercion techniques. This approach to control is all about managing appearances instead of dealing with reality. The problem there, obviously, is that managing the appearance of a problem does nothing to address the underlying problem.

When I speak of erosion of trust in authorities here, I include media, I include governments, I include “scientific” authorities, I include official scientific agencies. Here in the US I include the FDA, the CDC, the financial authorities who tell us how the economy is supposedly going, the law enforcement authorities who inform us about events happening in our cities.

When their data is found to be unreliable or outright fabricated, it only takes a couple of instances of finding out you’ve been lied to, to seriously shake your trust in authority – and absolutely nothing erodes trust in a relationship like the realization you’ve been lied to.

I include local news sources, including local government pronouncements. Part of my personal wake-up took place in mid-2020 during the so-called “Mostly Peaceful” protests going on here in Minneapolis. All I needed to do was to drive around my neighborhood, and compare what I was seeing with the broadcasts I saw on the main news outlets, which were less like reporting and more like marketing pieces with all the integrity of a late night infomercial.

I’m not the only person going through that process of disillusionment.

Increasing Censorship – and People Fighting Back

One of the ways that authorities that are losing credibility try to do damage control is by sidelining and censoring all sources of information that contradict their narrative. This is evident in the heavy-handed increasing censorship and control of stories on media networks like Facebook, like Google, like Twitter, and so on.

More and more people waking up to that, and there are indications in the Ingress and in some astrology configurations I see this fall that make me think there will be many, many more people waking up and figuring out they’ve been lied to – and more of those people speaking out.

Expect Facebook, Google and Company Ltd. to do their best to shut off those voices – and expect those voices to go elsewhere and continue the conversation. More on that a little later in this essay.

Threat of Sickness

This is one of the most troubling things that I found specifically in the Libra ingress, and it is a repeated theme in the astrology. There are multiple markers in the chart for the possibility of widespread illness, and I’d be lying if I failed to mention them here.

There are a couple of different ways this could work out. One is that we do indeed have a new widespread version of covid that is more deadly. I can’t rule that out.

Another possibility is that we see increasing incidences of negative reactions or consequences of the various heavily pushed shots that are being forced on people. Despite heavy-handed attempts to either silence or discredit this information, there does indeed seem to be a growing body of evidence that the shots can compromise the body’s immune system (a condition called ADE, or antibody dependent enhancement) and cause it to over-react in serious and harmful ways to infections after the effectiveness of the shot wears off – at this point is is widely acknowledged by all parties that the effectiveness drops after six months. It is also possible that if there is a widespread distribution of third, booster shots this fall and winter, we could see exponentially more, and more severe, reactions.

If there are increased negative incidents related to the shots, you can expect mainstream sources to double and triple down on their attempts to explain them away and discredit them, likely blaming any increased deaths on this to a more virulent covid variant and/or to people who refuse to consent to the shots. You can expect there to be widespread disinformation in this area.

One way or the other things should be very obvious by the end of the year to anyone willing to keep their eyes open and look around a bit.

Note that I am not a doctor or a scientist or any other sort of authority in this area, so I am not attempting to convince anyone what is the correct story. I would highly suggest that you take time to do your own online research in this area, check multiple information sources and compare notes. It is also important that you not discount the evidence of your own senses or concrete reports of people you know directly – that can help serve as a reality check on a subject where too much of the information we get is biased and unreliable.

Increasing Economic Instability

This is another repeating theme in the astrology, part of the energy we’ve been dealing with, with combination of Jupiter and Saturn which is active again especially early autumn. A very basic meaning of the two together is restriction on expansion, or diminished commerce, or decrease in economy or in value of currency.

This is another area that is greatly aggravated by deliberate misinformation in much of the media on how things are going.

It seems increasingly obvious that the long-awaited economic recovery isn’t going to happen, and this will be greatly aggravated by likely further increases in heavy-handed restrictions and lockdowns in response to health crises.

We’ve already seen a massive spike in gas and other fuel prices this year. Expect to see big spikes in prices of food and other staple survival commodities.

It also seems likely that there will be increasing evidence of food and other supply shortages. So far these seem to be local enough in scope that the main media has been ignoring it. They will likely become widespread and severe enough to be acknowledge by most people – even the media.

That’s another theme across all of these topics, and in the astrology patterns as a whole – things getting bad enough that everyone needs to acknowledge it – with government and media being the last in line to do so.

This ties in with the overall theme of erosion of trust in authority. Most world currencies, including the US dollar, are fiat currencies, meaning they have value because the government says so.

Money only has the value that people give it.

Eroding trust in the integrity of the government goes hand in hand with eroding trust in the value of the dollar. With all the other economic pressures at play, this could easily spiral into hyper-inflation – at this point that seems to be only a matter of time.

Increasing Violence, Erosion of Civil Order

Much of the effectiveness of law enforcement comes, not from force, but from respect for authority. Erode that respect and you will have more lawlessness and violence. We’re already seeing increased evidence for that if you take the time to look around.

I think we will also see more reactions, gatherings and protests against the lockdowns, and against restrictions against civil liberties. You’re already seeing evidence of that in Australia, in New Zealand, and in France among other places. Expect that to get much more widespread this fall – and hopefully, more effective.

Also, unfortunately, I expect we may see reactions of frightened and panicky people as things start to break down. Instead of looking for ways to correct the process, there seems to be a strong and primitive human response to find people to blame, to attack and destroy. When things get too bad a lot of people don’t want solutions, they want scapegoats.

Growth of New Communication Networks

People who have been shut out of the conversation on Facebook, or had their channels canceled and wiped off the internet by Google, aren’t just taking their marbles and quietly slinking off into the darkness.

They are going elsewhere.

This is one of those unintended, but highly predictable consequences of restriction in speech in main outlets. We are seeing the rapid growth, maturing and consolidation of all sorts of alternative media and discussion platforms.

Main media sources try to put up all sorts of barbed wire and electronic fence warnings against daring to look at other media – labeling them with all sorts of dangerous-sounding labels like Domestic Terrorist, or Supremacist – and it doesn’t take much looking around to figure out that those labels are meaningless, empty scare terms. Don’t let them stop you from looking around and making up your own mind.

Conclusion: You are Not Alone, You are Not Powerless

One of the strategies of controlling media sources is to try to make dissenting voices feel like they are alone, powerless and helpless. That is one of the main reasons for restriction on free speech and discussion. If I am right, then those restrictions are having the unintended consequence of encouraging people to look around and find other, more open places to explore and to exchange ideas. There are more and more places like that out there these days, and they seem to be maturing and building new networks. This matches conflicting indications I saw in the astrology – on the one hand there were signs of restriction and coercion to limit networking and gathering, and the other there were signs of a reaction, a push back against restriction to connect in new ways.

This was not a fun piece to write, and I don’t look forward to turning this loose on the world. I am very aware that I am touching on emotionally loaded topics here. However, like it or not, I also feel a sense of urgency about these issues. This is what I see in the astrology, and it sheds light on what I see going on in the world around me.

In the Old Testament there are a lot of warnings against what they call false prophets – those who proclaim, Peace! Peace!, when there is no peace. These days I suppose you’d call them marketers, the people who are ready to supply the market the positive, uplifting stories that people want to hear. For me that is doing a disservice to our sacred art.

If you think that I am being overly alarmist here, or spreading false scare stories – I hope and pray that you are right, but I don’t think so.

On the other hand, if you are one of those people who feels like things are going terribly wrong, and you can’t trust what you see in the regular media – if you feel like there is enormous pressure on you to keep your head down and your mouth shut, and you feel isolated and powerless –

Trust me – you are not alone. I am convinced there are more and more people getting the wake up call these days. We need to find each other, to encourage each other, to help each other stay sane and balanced, and to find the resources we need to navigate the challenging times that are likely intensifying this coming autumn and winter.

I think this sums up why I am taking a chance and putting this out in the world. A lot of people need to hear these simple words –

You are not alone.

Image by Angelo Giordano from Pixabay

6 thoughts on “The Great Wake-Up Call”

  1. Great job, Mr. Obert. You are literally the only notable astrologer in this field I have discovered who is not completely blinded by their liberal progressive politics and is politely and fairly, yet thoroughly and firmly, voicing the opinion of what is obvious to many of us in the “silent majority.”

  2. Excellent article. I haven’t done the astrology, but can see the trends that confirm what you say. We are in for a difficult time and I am grateful to the young people who are protesting around the world. Where are our protests?

    You are very brave to write this article, everything is so politicized now.
    People are afraid to speak up.

  3. Thank you, Charlie. Brilliant work. I’ve just read/watched this post Fbk shutdown. Some of the expressing aspects of the time throwing light and raising questions on the nature and impact of this really heavy Merc Rx and Libra period.
    Uranian astrology is just fascinating. Thank you for investing so much energy into it…it’s so worthwhile.

  4. I am so relieved to find an astrologer with perspective! As a previous commenter mentioned, the vast majority of popular astrologers are deaf and blind to the reality of the situation we are in. You are a breath of fresh air!

  5. Well I’m not an astrologer, but I see this world changing before my eyes. Definitely definitely bad things coming 2022 end of I feel

  6. Amazing article.

    You seem to be the 1st astrologer who gets the real picture. I haven’t seen any other astrologer writing and speaking about it in an open way like you do. Nice one!


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